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Will a VPN ban TikTok?

Some experts worry the bill could ban TikTok and criminalize attempts to circumvent such a ban, such as by using a VPN to access TikTok. But the bill’s sponsors said the measure’s criminal provisions are aimed not at individual people, but at corporations and executives. The bill does not criminalize simply having a VPN.

Could a federal bill ban TikTok?

A federal bill that could ban TikTok is stoking confusion and inspiring misleading claims. The Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, or RESTRICT Act, aims to mitigate national security threats posed by technology controlled by foreign adversaries, like TikTok.

Can US users access TikTok?

NordVPN, one of the world's most popular providers, told us: "VPNs can allow US users to access TikTok, however, this depends on how the ban is enforced. If the app, for example, is illegal in the country - official app stores are forced to remove it and it gets much more difficult to download the app.

Would a VPN be illegal if the restrict Act became law?

Some of the bill’s critics claim that if the RESTRICT Act becomes law, it would make using a VPN illegal. This is misleading. A VPN provides an encrypted connection over the internet from a device to a network. This connection allows for the transmission of sensitive data by preventing unauthorized people from eavesdropping on the traffic.

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